Yes, you can. Simply copy all elements of your curriculum (Ctrl + E in Windows/Cmd + A in Mac). Add a blank page (Insert>Blank page) and with the cursor at the top of the page, paste all elements (Ctrl + V/Cmd + V).
More information for Word
To put a blank page into your Word document, place the cursor where you want the new page to begin and then click Insert > Blank Page. The blank page opens, ready for whatever you want to add.
In Word for Android and Word for iOS, to add a blank page, tap Insert > Page. A blank page opens for you to add content.
Another option when you need a little space is to insert a page break. The difference is that Insert > Blank Page puts an entire blank page into your document, and Insert > Page Break doesn’t. Instead, it pushes whatever comes after the break to the top of the next page. See Add a page break for more about page breaks.
Tip: If you’re formatting a complex document and you quickly want to add or look for blank pages, page breaks, or other elements, click View > Navigation Pane > Pages to see what’s where.
To remove a blank page from your document, see Delete a blank page.
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More information for Pages
- In a word-processing document: Place the insertion point anywhere on the page you want the new page to follow, then click
in the toolbar.
- In a page layout document: Click on the page you want the new page to follow, then click
on the toolbar. A blank page is automatically added, or if there are other master pages for the template, choose the one you want to add.
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